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Privacy Policy Statement

Effective from May 06, 2024 (Sunday)

Introduction to the Platform

Academy Platforms is a school management software developed by Academy Platforms Private Limited registered under the Company Registration Act 2063. This platform is designed to streamline various school administrative tasks and enhance communication between school staff, students, and parents. As this platform offers numerous benefits, it is equally committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of all users. By familiarizing yourself with this privacy policy, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how this platform operates.

Collection of Information

Similar to interactions within an educational environment, Academy Platforms only requires relevant information to ensure smooth functioning. The following information is collected by the platform:


Account Information: Name, class, section, role (student, teacher, parent, etc.) and other basic information are collected to establish unique user accounts. The information helps with identification whereas they are optional. This data remains accessible only to administrative personnel and is not shared with external parties. Any API keys used within the platform do not contain personal information. School administration retains the option to delete their accounts at any time.


Activity Tracking: The platform logs events, such as user actions, system crashes, and performance metrics. This data is anonymous and does not include specific messages or interactions. These logs aid in improving platform functionality and ensuring effective service delivery. Different jurisdictions have different legal obligations of what must be included in a Privacy Policy. You are responsible to make sure you are following the relevant legislation to your activities and location.

Use of Collected Information

Academy Platforms is dedicated to upholding user privacy and utilizing collected information solely for appropriate purposes. The platform employs user information in the following ways:


Provision and Enhancement of Services: As outlined in the 'Collection of Information' section, the platform collects relevant data to offer improved user experiences and access to its services.


Legal Compliance: In adherence to legal obligations, user information may be used as required by law, such as responding to legal processes like subpoenas.


Performance Analysis: The information gathered assists in analyzing platform progress, identifying areas for improvement, and enhancing response times. No data beyond what is mentioned in the 'Collection of Information' section is utilized.

Sharing of Information

Academy Platforms does not trade, rent, or disclose user information to third parties. Analytical insights are generated using tools such as Google Analytics, while crash reports and performance metrics are managed through Firebase Crashlytics and Performance tools. However, the platform reserves the right to share user information if compelled by the laws of the user's country. Such sharing only occurs in cases where suspicion of illegal activities arises, as determined by the local court.

Security of Your Information

Safeguarding user data is paramount for Academy Platforms. Rigorous security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and secure servers, are employed. Data security aligns with Google Cloud and Amazon Web Service’s security protocols. While absolute security cannot be guaranteed online, rest assured that the platform does not possess information that could pose harm to users.

Services for Minors

Academy Platforms caters to users of all ages, including minors. However, it never provides content that is not suitable for children. Parents and guardians are urged to monitor their child's usage of this platform, as well as other digital services. Various messaging and communication tools are needed to be frequently monitored by the guardians. For best security, Academy recommends less data to be shared within the app for your children under age 13 like you have the option not to provide “blood group” information until needed by the administrator.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Adapting to evolving circumstances, Academy Platforms may introduce or remove features, adjust operations, or align with changing laws. Consequently, this privacy policy is subject to updates that will be communicated via email and push notifications. Continued use of the platform post-policy changes indicates acceptance of these modifications.

Contact Information

Phone: +977 970-3037841 


Address: Lalbandi 45801, Sarlahi (Nepal) 

** This statement was last updated on May 05 2024 at 11:41 PM GMT+5:45. 

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